Attention: anyone using a child theme with ClassiPress or developers that have created a child theme for ClassiPress should absolutely read this post!
ClassiPress 3.2 Child Theme ChecklistAs you know, the creation of Vantage brings a lot of changes to our other themes. The goal is to make all our themes a little more alike and a little less different. Common functions should use standardized code. Common features should be similar from theme to theme to theme. The benefits are great. Themes are easier to maintain, they’re easier to build and much, much more.
While we strive to implement these changes with minimal impact, there are some changes that are going to require a little extra work on your part when you update to newer versions. With ClassiPress 3.2 on the way, we want to give everyone ample opportunity to prepare for changes that might have an impact on your site.
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Last week, we ran a survey to find out how we’re doing with Tutorial Tuesdays. The feedback was great! We really appreciate the positive comments we received from everyone. Looks like Tutorial Tuesdays have been a rousing success. We’ll work hard to keep the great tuts coming every week.
This week, we have a couple of help WordPress tidbits from founder Dave Cowgill.
In Redirect Your WordPress Feed to Feedburner, Dave shows how you can bump up your marketing by leveraging the RSS, email syndication and analytic tools available with Feedburner.
Dave’s other tutorial, Add Custom Styles to the WordPress Editor, will show you how to add your site’s styles to the WordPress visual editor. No need to switch back and forth from preview. Just work in the visual editor and you’ll exactly how your page is going to look.
Tutorial Tuesdays are for You
According to our survey, you want to see more tutorials on customizing our themes. You also want to see more video tutorials. Well, we’re happy to deliver. Expect to see more of both in the coming weeks. Remember, these tutorials are for you. If you have any suggestions, please add them in the comments section.