Yarrrr! It’s a Mighty Special, One-Day Sale!

That’s right me lads and lasses. AppThemes is having a one day sale to celebrate International Talk Like a Pirate Day. For one day only, we be using our trusty rapiers to slash 30% off any purchase at AppThemes.

Is it ClassiPress ye be wanting? Get it now for 30% off.

Be JobRoller or Clipper more to ye liking? 30% off.

Or raid our treasure chest for the bountiful AppThemes Club packages. These too be 30% off.

I know ye may be thinking, “Well chum me waters, how do I get me seafaring hands on such a mind-boggling deal?!?!” Fear not me hearties. Ye need not travel to Davey Jones’ locker. A partin’ with doubloons shan’t ye do. Just enter the secret code of yarrrrrr when purchasing yer sundries and the 30% discount shall belong to thee.

But go handsomely now! Me offer only lasts from the time it take the moon to return above the pirate coast (Monday, September 19 12:00AM to 11:59PM – all times PDT, UTC-7:00).

So shiver me timbers sea dogs. Raise the good ol’ Jolly Roger and seize yer loot. An’ please be so kind to scrawl yer own chantey in our comments area, Cap’n. We would be much obliged.

Yo-ho yo-ho, an AppThemes deal for thee!

Discount: 30% off
Coupon code: yarrrrrr
Expires: September 19 11:59PM UTC-7:00 (Pacific Daylight Time)


Developers, Developers, Developers

developer talkDevelopers are the life-blood of any tech company. It’s no secret that developers make what we do possible. They create great things, fix bugs and make magic happen. They are our modern day wizards and the grand architects of the new technology age.

At AppThemes, we believe that having a team of great developers is essential to accomplishing our goal. As one of the few theme shops dedicated to making only application themes for WordPress, we will keep surging ahead and continue to be the leader of our market. We want to provide the most robust and useful application themes for our customers.

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ClassiPress 3.1.4 = TimThumb Security Patch

Many of you have likely heard about the recent TimThumb security vulnerability and we wanted to address the issue as well. Timthumb is a popular image resizing script that is used in many WordPress themes (including ClassiPress).

Recently a vulnerability was discovered within the script that allows hackers to upload and execute arbitrary PHP code within your TimThumb cache directory. It can potentially hijack your website and bring down your WordPress site.

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WordCamp San Francisco: We’re Celebrating!

WordCamp San Francisco is just TWO DAYS AWAY! The biggest WordPress event of the year is almost here and were stoked. So stoked that we’re ready to celebrate in more ways than one.

I'm speaking at WordCamp San Francisco 2011!David Cowgill Speaks at WordCamp

First, we’re excited to announce that our very own David Cowgill will be part of a panel at WordCamp San Francisco. The panel includes Drew Strojny of Theme Foundry and Brian Gardner of StudioPress. Now that’s some impressive company. Lance Willett, WordPress theme developer at Automattic, will be the master of this three-ring circus. I’m sure he has his work cut for him. More details here: Making Money and Having Fun Selling Themes.

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WordCamp San Diego, Recap with Video and Pics

What can you say about San Diego – it’s almost perfect. The weather is the same year round, it’s sunny every day and it’s surrounded by water, beaches and palm trees. If that’s not enough reason to make a trip down there, attending and sponsoring the very first WordCamp San Diego is good enough for us. So Dave Cowgill and I packed our bags and headed down.

WordCamp San Diego is bound to become one of the better WordCamps around. Dre Armeda and Chris Daley put on a great show. Throughout the weekend, it was obvious that these two and their staff of volunteers poured a ton of effort and loads of passion into making it fun and memorable.

The excitement started on Friday night with the speakers and sponsors dinner atop the Ramada Gaslamp in downtown San Diego and continued on through Saturday night, wrapped up by an after-party at Downtown Johnny Brown’s. There was good food, good drinks, informative speakers and even an appearance by Matt Mullenweg himself. Luckily Dave took some time to capture it all on video.

Again, a big thanks to all the organizers at WordCamp San Diego. If you have not attended a WordCamp yet, we highly recommend that you go to the next one near you – or hey, start one yourself. Next up: WordCamp San Francisco. If you plan on being there, drop us a line in the comments. We want to see how many AppThemes customers we can meet at WCSF. See you there.


Vantage Update and Other News

With the release of ClassiPress 3.1 now behind us, we have dug back into Vantage to see where we are and what still needs to be done.

Dave, Pete and myself spent all of yesterday reviewing where things stand with Vantage and tried to gauge how long it will take to complete. At this time, though, we just do not have a reliable timetable for its release.

While I write that, it feels like I can hear a thousand groans reverberate across the land. We definitely know how much everyone wants to see Vantage in the marketplace. Trust me, we want to make it available to you just as much as you want it – really.

Why is It Taking So Long?

When I joined AppThemes back in March, development on Vantage had slowed to a crawl. There were just not enough resources to work on Vantage, complete ClassiPress 3.1, address support issues and take care of all the other issues that come with managing a business.

Dave and I sat down and spent a lot of time discussing and reshuffling our priorities. At that time, I strongly suggested that all resources be applied to finishing

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ClassiPress v3.1.1 is Now Available

ClassiPress 3.1.1 has just been released. This was a minor maintenance release to fix a couple of bugs that slipped through 3.1. All customers should upgrade. Fixed a total of 3 tickets. A breakdown of tickets can be found below.


  • fixed issue on theme-comments template where $ was accidentally added to a function
  • fixed issue where spaces in refine search didn’t work correctly
  • fixed error in refine search when selecting a city caused an implode error

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SF Meetup Invaded by Page.ly

Each month we (along with Exygy and Automattic) organize the San Francisco WordPress Meetup which is a local gathering to discuss all things WordPress. It’s conveniently held just a few blocks away from our office at Pier 38 and topics typically vary from “What’s your favorite plugin”, “WordPress in the cloud”, “Speed geeking”, to name a few.

This past Meetup’s topic was, “What’s your favorite WordPress theme” and we had six different presenters showing off their stuff. As usual, we had a great time but what was really special was that some of our customers stopped by to chat. On top of that, our friends from Page.ly attended and they put together a video of the Meetup highlights which includes some footage from the AppThemes team.

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