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Capture Coupon Craving Traffic with Clipper

Coupon and deal websites have taken off in the last couple of years and rightfully so. With the economy taking a toll on everyone’s wallet, shoppers search for coupon codes or printable coupons before they make their purchases. The problem is, where do they go to find these deals and how can you capitalize on this niche market?
Introducing Clipper, a coupon and deal management application theme for WordPress. Now you can be their source for discounts and make money from affiliate sales and monetize the traffic with our powerful new theme.
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ClassiPress v3.0.5.4 is Now Available
The latest version of ClassiPress has just been released. This is a maintenance release driven by some minor compatibility issues with WordPress 3.1. All customers should upgrade to this version and update their WordPress to version 3.1 as well.
There was a total of 31 tickets fixed ranging from minor bugs (that were supposed to be part of ClassiPress 3.1 but moved up into this release) to issues created by the WordPress 3.1 update. A break down of tickets can be found below.
- fixed hierarchy breadcrumb issue where not all parent categories showed up
- fixed tooltip and image upload javascript related issues on the edit ad page
- fixed problem where empty search with a category selected resulted in incorrect results
- fixed all the classes that were labled ad-[classname] and changed the prefix to post-[classname] to avoid Ad Blocker Plus issues
- fixed single ad page contact form which no longer allows you to send messages by just filling out the captcha equation
- fixed custom email headers that caused gmail to send the email as an attachment
- fixed pagination arrows on the homepage that were not working correctly
- fixed warning that was displayed when turning on “Hide Empty Child Categories”
- fixed css spacing issue for multiple blog categories displayed
- fixed dashboard stats plotting graph in IE
- fixed colorbox so it is compatible with WordPress 3.1
- fixed IE6/7 javascript issue making it possible to edit drop-down fields from those browsers
- fixed tinyMCE so it is compatible with WordPress 3.1. Also fixed validation issues including the issue with chrome and tinyMCE
- fixed edit ad page to properly update new custom posts type tags
- fixed tinyMCE validation error message locations
- fixed styles for edit ad page where image meta data was not floating correctly in IE
- fixed radio button issue both with the edit ad page and with the “None” selected issue
- fixed clock and folder icons so the bottoms aren’t cutoff in IE
- added option to remove the “No Categories” text from the categories lists
- added jQuery validation to the comments fields on both single ads and blog posts
- added new cron job viewer tab under “System Info” admin page
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JobRoller v1.3.1 is Now Available
The latest version of JobRoller has just been released. This is a maintenance release and all customers should upgrade. There was a total of 7 tickets fixed mostly related to issues from the WordPress 3.1 update. A break down of tickets can be found below.
- 3.1 Compatibility issues
- caller_get_posts -> ignore_sticky_posts
- TinyMce init fix
- job_salary field renamed to job_term_salary to prevent 404’s on submit page
- Back button lost data fix
- Improved indeed feed jobs display
- Indeed, added api js and onmouseclick code
- Expire date now uses wordpress time offset
- Expire job notifications tweaked
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JobRoller v1.3 is Now Available
The latest version of JobRoller has just been released. This is a maintenance and feature release so existing customers should upgrade. There was a total of 16 tickets fixed. A break down of tickets can be found below.
- PayPal urlencode issue
- Salary field bug
- Hide salary field option added
- Pack expire date fix
- Search now uses lat long box so that search covers a larger area rather than a point
- Fixed return error after payment
- Fixed re-listing/moderation bug
- Current url trailing slashes
- Job Packs formatting
- Job Packs expire calculation was backwards
- Expired job fixes (after moderation)
- Search results pagination added
- Wrapped text in contact form template with localization tags
- Fixed spacing issue with tag sidebar widgets
- Fixed naming issue with certain widgets and css classes
- Fixed tab index on creating new user accounts
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ClassiPress v3.0.5.3 is Now Available
The latest version of ClassiPress was made available yesterday which is a maintenance release for v3.0.5. v3.0.5 was released last month and included a bunch of new features – many of which were scheduled to be in v3.1. In all, there were 158 tickets closed out.

We made the decision to break apart v3.1 into two different releases mainly so we could first take advantage of a important WordPress 3.0 feature.
- Custom Post Types and Taxonomies
This was the biggest change and required us to move the entire theme over to custom post types and taxonomies. It was a huge undertaking from a development standpoint and took the majority of our time to complete.
It made more sense for us and our customers to release this huge change in a pre 3.1 release instead of lumping everything into one gigantic release. This will essentially ease everyone into the new UI and feature-set.
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JobRoller v1.2.1 is Now Available
We just released the latest version of JobRoller yesterday which includes a bunch of great new features. Some of the highlights include:
Advanced Search

You can now further refine your search results with a whole new set of filters. First and foremost, we enhanced the existing search bar to include “location” and “radius”.
This allows your job seekers to narrow down their criteria within a mile/kilometer. It’s super accurate since it’s integrated with the Google Maps API.
We’ve also added a new sidebar widget where you can filter results based on job type, job salary (new field), job category, and date posted.
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Ideas Exchange Launched
Gathering customer feedback about our products has always been a priority for us. It not only gives us valuable information about how they use our products, it also provides us direction for future product updates.
Previously all feature suggestions and ideas were posted in our “Feature Request” forums which worked great….in the beginning. Our support team combs through those forums on a weekly basis and gathers all ideas for us to review. The only problem now is the high volume makes it hard to determine what feature ideas are the most popular and great ideas could potentially get buried and we wouldn’t even know about them.
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Theme Release Status Page
You have spoken and we have listened. To provide a better mechanism to communicate when themes will become available, we have built a Theme Release Status page.
Previously, we’ve tried several different ways to communicate our theme updates (i.e. blog post, forum thread, blog comments, twitter, etc) but not everyone receives the same message (or at all). Unforeseen circumstances can also arise so release dates get pushed back. Then old blog posts, etc become outdated (for instance the ClassiPress 3.1 Preview post) and people still expect it released by that date. It makes us look bad and worst of all, it confuses everyone.
This new status page streamlines our efforts and provides a central location where anyone can view our progress. It will not only give you an estimated release date, but will also give you insight into where our team is with respect to development. This page will be updated when progress has been made so bookmark it and come back often. The “Last updated” text at the bottom of the page will let you know once something has changed.
Thanks again for all your feedback and we hope our Theme Release Status gives you a better view into our theme release cycle.