JobRoller v1.3 is Now Available
The latest version of JobRoller has just been released. This is a maintenance and feature release so existing customers should upgrade. There was a total of 16 tickets fixed. A break down of tickets can be found below.
- PayPal urlencode issue
- Salary field bug
- Hide salary field option added
- Pack expire date fix
- Search now uses lat long box so that search covers a larger area rather than a point
- Fixed return error after payment
- Fixed re-listing/moderation bug
- Current url trailing slashes
- Job Packs formatting
- Job Packs expire calculation was backwards
- Expired job fixes (after moderation)
- Search results pagination added
- Wrapped text in contact form template with localization tags
- Fixed spacing issue with tag sidebar widgets
- Fixed naming issue with certain widgets and css classes
- Fixed tab index on creating new user accounts
- Added wp_remote_post check on system info admin page
- Added terms and conditions page option with checkbox
- Option to disable user-created password fields & send auto password via email on reg form
- Added cron job viewer on system info admin page
- Added new appthemes api and hooks (doc to come soon)
- Added separate comment templates for page, blog, job objects
- Added disable WordPress 3.1 admin toolbar option
- Added disable WordPress version meta tag option
- Separated comments from pings/trackbacks
- Removed search-xml.php which wasn’t being used
What Files Have Changed?
Many of our customers have done customizations to the core theme files and want to know exactly which files have been added, modified, and removed. The good news is we’ve made this process going forward much easier. In addition to providing the latest full version download, we also now include a patch release. This will be a much smaller download and only include the files that have changed since the previous release.
So instead of having to read through the change log and figure out what files have been modified, you can just download the patch and ftp the files directly into your existing ClassiPress theme folder. You’ll still want to deactivate and then reactivate your theme so everything gets updated correctly but this will improve your upgrading experience.
Make sure to read the “Installing a Patch” guide if you decide to go this route.
Here’s the list of all files affected in the 1.3 release (from v1.2.1).
includes/appthemes-hooks.php Added
comments-blog.php Added
comments-page.php Added
includes/theme-hooks.php Added
archive.php Modified
changelog.txt Modified
comments.php Modified
footer.php Modified
404.php Modified
includes/admin/admin-options.php Modified
includes/admin/admin-orders.php Modified
includes/admin/admin-post-types.php Modified
includes/admin/admin-values.php Modified
includes/admin/install-script.php Modified
includes/admin/write-panel.php Modified
includes/appthemes-functions.php Modified
header.php Modified
includes/classes/orders.class.php Modified
includes/classes/packs.class.php Modified
includes/forms/confirm-job/confirm-job-process.php Modified
includes/forms/edit-job/edit-job-form.php Modified
includes/forms/edit-job/relist-job-process.php Modified
includes/forms/register/register-form.php Modified
includes/forms/register/register-process.php Modified
includes/forms/submit-job/submit-job-form.php Modified
includes/gateways/paypal.php Modified
includes/theme-actions.php Modified
includes/theme-comments.php Modified
includes/theme-emails.php Modified
includes/theme-footer.php Modified
includes/theme-functions.php Modified
includes/theme-header.php Modified
includes/theme-login.php Modified
includes/theme-sidebars.php Modified
includes/theme-widgets.php Modified
index.php Modified
jobroller-no-admin.po Modified
jobroller-no-admin.pot Modified
jobroller.po Modified
jobroller.pot Modified
README-FIRST.txt Modified
loop-job.php Modified
loop.php Modified
page.php Modified
search.php Modified
sidebar-blog.php Modified
sidebar-job.php Modified
sidebar-page.php Modified
sidebar-submit.php Modified
sidebar-user.php Modified
sidebar.php Modified
single-job_listing.php Modified
single.php Modified
style.css Modified
taxonomy-job_cat.php Modified
taxonomy-job_salary.php Modified
taxonomy-job_tag.php Modified
taxonomy-job_type.php Modified
tpl-add-new-confirm.php Modified
tpl-blog.php Modified
tpl-contact.php Modified
tpl-edit-job.php Modified
tpl-job-cats.php Modified
tpl-jobs-by-date.php Modified
tpl-myjobs.php Modified
tpl-profile.php Modified
tpl-submit.php Modified
search-xml.php Deleted
How Can I Get This Version?
Existing customers can login to their customer account and download the latest version and immediately start taking advantage of these cool new features.
Got some ideas for new JobRoller features? Head on over to our new Ideas Exchange and submit/vote for your favorite ideas!
How Do I Upgrade?
If you haven’t made any changes to the theme files then the easiest method is to just do a complete upgrade (download the full 1.3 version). Then follow the “How to Upgrade Versions” guide. If you’ve made modifications to the core theme files, then we recommend installing the patch version instead. Then follow the “Installing a Patch” guide.
Anything related to support should be posted in the JobRoller support forum where our dedicated support team can assist you. For specifics about the new features, feel free to ask them below via comments.
Comments (41)
Nice work! Waiting still for the Vantage theme : )
Great work – and great to see the constant development and constant great standard being maintained. Jobseekers is a big feature for me will this be in 1.4? Also keen to see vantage
@Jim, the job seekers functionality is planned for 1.4.
super cheers
sweeeeetttt !
Great job guys, but i am really looking forward to the jobseekers and employer profile pages.
Eventually this wil be the best wp jobboard around
Love it!
I am hoping to see the job seeker functionality come alive in version 1.4 soonest. Great work!
@Adewale, that’s the plan.
Nice..but Vantage should have priority from now on…
So, if I received some help to fix these issues, should I go ahead and change to 1.3?
@John, not sure what you mean? Did you make changes to your theme core files already? Probably a better question to ask in our support forum.
There are 4 important features I would like to mention for the next release:
1. job listing syndication (simplyhired, indeed, etc.)
2. employer ability to enable/disable “apply now” form
3. coupon/promo code that admin can use to give discounts to employers
4. ability to charge either jobseeker, employer or both
Overall, you guys are doing an amazing job.
I would LOVE to have that coupon code field…when possible yeterday.
But a great team… i can say im a “by experience on spending to much money on other job themes” specialist in job themes.
Will be in the forums. Thanks!
Looks Great. Am patiently waiting or Vantage to come out!!!
Nice looking theme. Defiantly planning on investing on this one very soon.
Nice work, but like everyone else, I want to have Vantage NOW!!!
You see this one?
Seen this one ?
Thats ICT & IT jobs , not “I C Ti….
@Alvin, thanks for sharing. That’s a nice example of a customer using JobRoller.
Your welcome , and 3 more coming up soon
That’s JobRoller in action. WooThemes is actually one of our customers.
Ya pretty cool right. You should have that up on the homepage. Another well known theme company using one of your themes.
is it possible to have other payment gateways integrated(2checkout) for credit card processing – to the system apart from Paypal.
Pls. add other payment gateways to upcoming releases and fixes thanks
Employer profiles in v1.4, fantastic!
Can I disable PayPal and use another script?
@Bob, right now JobRoller only supports PayPal. If you have a developer, he/she could implement a different payment gateway.
I can guess what jobroller probably does, but here is a usability suggestion. Some people may come to this post before they see anything else about jobroller. Don’t make users have to search for what jobroller is or where the main page for it is located.
@Dr Ron Suarez, thanks for the suggestion. Usually people come our site via the home page and then browse the blog so it’s typically not an issue.
@David, I suggest the free Option for payment confirm(maybe Captcha code) during the beta job website.
Very nice guys, just getting into the “job roller” scene but the future looks promising. Keep it up.
Is this version compatible with WP 3.1 which has just been released?
@Tinh, yes all our themes are compatible with WordPress 3.1.
Anyone know if there’s going to be any kind of pre-screening questions functionality added at any point? So on a job posting the employer could post three questions like 1) WordPress experience Y/N and it could help the employer filter out the crap applicants from the good?
@FreshDivine, not at this point. The questions can easily be added to the job description though.
Very nice guys .. Thanks
Nice work! Waiting still for the Vantage theme : )
What happened to the status page? I think it needs a little update by now
Thanks for the reminder Alvin. We’ve just updated it.
I really love the jobroller theme , fully automated and rising in the rankings without lifting a finger!
Really looking forward to the updates as i have a real good project coming up!
2 thumbs up
Glad to hear it Alvin!
Discussion is closed.