
Google Driving Directions for Vantage!

Tutorial Tuesdays

Wow! Josh Ronk, our Vantage developer surprised me with his tutorial today. It’s a really good one and I think you’re going to like it.

How to Get There – Driving Directions

Google Driving DirectionsGoogle Driving DirectionsI don’t think I need to explain the benefits of this one. If you have a geographically focused business directory, your customers and end-users are going to love this. Josh shows you how to get it all set up – from HTML to Javascript to CSS. It’s the complete package. In the end, each business listing will have a simple “Get Directions” feature. Users enter their address in a field and directions show up under the Google map.

You’re going to want to try this one out. But remember, always create a child theme first. When you’re ready to go, hop over and read Josh’s Adding Google Driving Directions Service to Google Maps tutorial.

Do the Taxonomy Dance

Adding & removing taxonomiesAdding & removing taxonomiesWant to take more control of Quality Control? You can by removing and adding taxonomies to suit your needs. Quality Control has a few taxonomies to help you organize your tickets: Status, Priority, Milestone and of course Category and Tag. Maybe these are not enough for you? Add more. Perhaps you’re not interested in ticket status. Go ahead and remove it.

Cristi Burca shows how to do all this in his Adding And Removing Taxonomies tutorial. Read it and be a taxonomies master!

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